Learn to Live, Live to Learn

Hello To All,

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. 

Learn as if you were to live forever." 

-Mahatma Gandhi

As this week progressed with question mark on WebQuest, Project Based Learning and Rubrics with other assessment tools, I was wondering with the issue related to the classroom which I has to project but I could not make clear understanding to it. I have given lot of time to the readings but misunderstood the thing many a time. At last I could find a way to deal with the problem and its solution at large. Students have so many issues that teacher has to deal with but when it came through the solution with technology I was bit tensed as I was thinking of technology first rather than student’s problem. At last I could figure out what can be the solution of the problems that my students are facing in their day to day life while dealing with them in the classroom. Thanks to all who have added a new of mark understanding directly or indirectly by contributing here for technology based change as it helped me to understand the issue of my classroom with solution could be bringing with Technology.

I have learned three things most importantly during this week:

1.       Project Based Learning
Project-based learning is a comprehensive instructional approach to engage students in sustained, cooperative investigation. It focuses on the central concepts and principles of a discipline, involves students in problem solving investigations and other meaningful tasks, allows students to work autonomously to construct their own knowledge, and culminates in realistic products.
In disciplines other than second and foreign language, the Buck Institute for Education (BIE), an American research and development organization, defined PBL as “a systematic teaching method that engages students in learning knowledge and skills through an extended inquiry process structured around complex, authentic questions and carefully designed products and tasks”.
When we talk about teaching in modern age, the shift in the traditional method which focus on chalk and talk method where teacher is in center towards technology supported project based learning which makes students centered learning. Students' centered learning provides opportunities for the students to initiate and participate in various kinds of activity during the Project Based Learning. The students who work in group and pair get opportunity to learn something new from the peers and they themselves become owner of independent learning. Technology makes Project Based Learning more effective in terms of its implementation where students can be given activity based on presentation, gathering information, internet based assignments, online discussions etc.

2.       Rubrics
Rubrics and other assessment tools also guide students for creating learning environment for themselves in group or independent. Rubrics as an assessment tool create quality outcome in students' work. Rubrics is performance grading tool that can be used for growth in the students' performance. Tools like rubrics would give clear understanding of what they are suppose to do to get effective score in particular activity.

3.       WebQuest
A WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented lesson format in which most or all the information that learners work with comes from the web. These can be created using various programs, including a simple word processing document that includes links to websites.

I have read so many things about PBL and Rubrics but still to read some more things about WebQuest as many of my mates have created project using WebQuest as I could not but I wish to do it soon as possible.

Thanking You all

Kamlesh Joshi

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